A guide to Eating Plant Based eBook


Have you considered going plant-based but don’t know where to start?

My new eBook, A Guide to Eating Plant-Based, will be your blueprint for adopting this healthy, natural way of living and eating.

This book will dive into exactly what a plant based diet is, how to understand food labels, the best plant-based substitutes, getting comfortable using spices and how to cook any vegetable using a wide range of cooking methods.

Plus, RECIPES!! Including spice blends, dressings and sauces that will elevate your plant-based meals!

I created this eBook because I realized that most people aren’t familiar with cooking vegetables. So, instead of sharing plant-based recipes I thought it would be beneficial to know how to properly cook, season, and pair vegetables to further support your plant based lifestyle.

Having the skills to cook flavorful meals at home helps you confidently create a habit in turn making it a lifestyle not a diet.


-How to cook common vegetables

-Cooking techniques explained

-Tons of chef’s tips & tricks

-How to decipher food labels

-Tips on maintaining a plant-based lifestyle

-The best plant-based substitutes

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